Thursday, October 31, 2019

3 page executive report describing how information technology impacts Essay

3 page executive report describing how information technology impacts California Workers' Compensation Industy - Essay Example Information technology and its benefits have not yet been fully employed in the workers’ compensation industry although several instances of it are available. Providers have been using the EDI but the process is still a challenge in the workers’ compensation industry. The workers’ compensation is such a small part of the claim that many providers have yet to start with electronically processing of claims.2 The technology that is used in the industry is P2P link which provides an electronic â€Å"transaction hub† which allows information to be shared between payers and providers. The providers can submit bills, medical reports and other communication through web interface. An automated review checks the bill for accuracy and completeness before it reaches the insurance carrier for payment. This is in use at Lakeland which improves the flow of information and streamlines the adjudication of claims. It has improved the ability to execute the payment of workers’ compensation claims in a timely manner. While other states use the American Medical Association guidelines to ensure fair evaluation of physical impairment, California lags behind. The California Workers’ Compensation System (CWCS) is in the grip of crisis as doctors are leaving by the dozen. Doctors are dropping out because of the delays in reimbursements for treatments.3 Patient loads have doubled while treatment authorization takes months. The new SB 899 had become effective in 2004 but is now under severe scrutiny for the human suffering it has caused. Nobody in the state administration is concerned as the insurance company profits are soaring. The faster an insurer receives notice of an injury, medical treatment can be initiated timely, the injured starts recuperating fast and gets back to work. This would eliminate the cost of hiring an attorney to settle claims. This is where

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thinking about Publishing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thinking about Publishing - Essay Example when you think of authors, what do you think motivates authors to want to publish their work, and why do you think they might choose the specific forms they choose like printed books, ebooks, blogs, newspapers, etc? Authors publish their works with an aim of disseminating their written work to the public in a more appealing way. The published information can either be fictional or non-fictional. Publishing non-fictional works has always been a valid choice for many authors, especially those who have a solid foundation as well as means of distribution (Konrath). 3. What are some different formats of published work and specific publications you yourself generally read? Be as specific as you can. (This could include websites, newspapers, magazines, email newsletters, books, ebooks, textbooks, novels, comics, etc!) There are different formats of published works. These formats include books, textbooks, novels, magazines, websites, and newspapers, among other formats. In book publishing, there are different types of book publishers, depending on the market of the book. Those who publish books found in most bookstores are professional publishers, academic publishers, and self-publishing services (Konrath). 4. In your own life, what are some interesting things youve noticed about publishing? This might include changes youve seen over the course of your life (like maybe you bought an e-reader and your experience of books changed). Or it might include differences you see between publishing in the US and publishing in another country where youve lived or visited. Or it might include your experiences reading articles for school online vs. reading printed textbooks. Anything that comes to mind is great! In my entire academic life I have witnessed a lot when it comes to publishing. I have seen many changes in the course of my life. I once bought an e-reader which totally changed my experience of books. In addition, in the course of visiting different countries to pursue my

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Agricultural Pollution In The United Kingdom Environmental Sciences Essay

Agricultural Pollution In The United Kingdom Environmental Sciences Essay The global human population doubled from less than 3000 million to 6000 million during the latter half of the twentieth century. The demand for food increased as the global population increased. This resulted in the intensification of agriculture to meet the higher food demand which placed an increasing demand on the natural environment. This has lead to the United Kingdom now having more than 76% of land being used for agricultural production. Since the 1930s the UK agriculture industry has undergone a major revelation. The productivity levels have considerably increases due the progress in crop and animal breeding, the accessibility of pesticides and fertilisers and the fast and advancing technology.  [1]   The move to more intensive farming methods has led to a marked increase in the amount of pollution incidents recorded (Pollution can be described as the unwanted environmental effects of human activity) .Figure 1 show that the pollution incident levels are constantly changing, this if reflected by the dynamic moves and the progress the agriculture industry make. Fig 1 taken from : G. Merrington , l . Winder, R. Parkinson, and M. Reedman , Agricultural Pollution: Problems and Practical Solutions, Taylor Francis, 2002. Agricultural processes can pollute in many ways, these include; deliberate pollution (the introduction of pesticides, fertilisers, genetically modified crops and sewage sludge into the environment). Agricultural processes and wastes (silage effluent and live stock waste) and the enhancement of natural processes from agulcultural activity (increased nitrous oxide emissions and soil erosion). Fertilisers can cause problems in agriculture. Fertilisers are used in agriculture to promote plant growth. Fertilizers are combinations of the nutrients that plants must have to grow, in a form they can use. Fertilisers are used because as plants grow, they absorb and deplete nutrients from the soil. Farmers harvest those same nutrients when they harvest crops meaning the nutrients that are need are lost and need to be reapplied in order to achieve a successful crop year after year if crops are to be grown and harvested continually.  [2]   If the applied fertilisers or raw sewage ends up reaching rivers and lakes, they increase the levels of nitrate and phosphate them. This causes Eutrophication and can end up in the mass death of organisms in the water. The steps of Eutrophication are as follows; the growth of algae and other plants is increased due to higher levels of nitrates and phosphates that have entered the water. These form algal blooms and mean there are a larger than usual amount of producers and they become overcrowded and being to die quicker than they are consumed. The dead producers provider food (energy) for the decomposers. This causes the amount of decomposers to increase quickly and they use up large amounts of the oxygen in the water. This increases its biological oxygen demand (BOD) and this change causes a lack of oxygen in the water and leads to the death of aerobic organisms. In cases with raw sewage, which is full of bacteria, the BOD is even greater.  [3]  Also if Ammonia (90% of ammonia e missions in the UK is from agriculture  [4]  ), pesticides, oil, degreasing agents, metals and other toxins from farm equipment ends up in rivers and lakes they can harm and kill aquatic life. They can also cause health problems when they get into drinking water. Agriculture is one of the biggest causes of water pollution in the UK (see figure 2) and in 2001 had the second largest water pollution incidents from a range of economic sectors. Fig 2 taken from : G. Merrington , l . Winder, R. Parkinson, and M. Reedman , Agricultural Pollution: Problems and Practical Solutions, Taylor Francis, 2002. Organic waste is another big polluter from agriculture. Although the number of pollution incidents due to organic wastes is declining in the UK, the Environment Agency spends approximately  £5 million pound per year on river pollution incidents caused by agriculture. This is because the production, storage and disposal of animal wastes (pigs, cows) and silage effluent present major risks to streams and rivers including the aquatic life. A result of the intensification of livestock production in the UK has caused a large increase in the amount water pollution incidents as a result organic wastes. 90% of all farm pollution incidents are a result of organic pollutants. Incidents are mainly in areas that have a high livestock production. In the UK the highest water pollution incident occur in the south west, midlands and west of the country. Gaseous emissions from UK agriculture are responsible for approximately 8% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Nitrous oxide and methane are two of the biggest polluters from agriculture with over 50% of nitrous oxide resulting from agricultural activities and 37% of methane emissions in the UK from agriculture. The causes of Nitrous oxide to be released into the atmosphere in agriculture are during the application of nitrogen fertilisers. The effects of Nitrous oxide are global and include the eroding of the earths ozone layer (which can cause problems including an increase in the risk of skin cancer) and causes the greenhouse gas effect. The greenhouse gas effect is the heating of the surface of the earth due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation.  [5]   Nitrates from fertilisers can also soak into the ground and eventually end up in drinking water. This is dangerous and can cause health problems such as methemeglopbinemia or blue baby syndrome which causes death in infants.  [6]   The cause of Methane release in to the atmosphere in agriculture is mainly due to livestock, most commonly from ruminants due to enteric fermentation. Enteric fermentation is fermentation that takes place in the digestive systems of ruminant animals. Both nitrous oxide and methane both have a high global warming potential, methane can absorb 21 times more infrared radiation than carbon dioxide and is an important greenhouse gas. Carbon dioxide emission from agriculture can come from a number of sources, whether it from fossil fuel combustion or land change. The use of fossil fuel production in agriculture is wide spread, whether its direct from farming machinery or from the transport of goods from the farms to other company or to the supermarkets. However, there is more carbon in the worlds soil than in the atmosphere and plant biomass put together. This means that land use change intended for greater production can increase the amount of carbon dioxide being released. The turnover of biomass and land change responsible for 5% of the total carbon dioxide emissions alone in the UK. The loss of soil carbon due as a result of degradation of land is also another contributor to carbon dioxide due to agriculture. Soil is an important carbon sink and acts as a transfer store for carbon. Agricultural practices that reduce soil carbon levels by methods that degrade organic matter reduce the capacity of the of the car bon sink. The release of carbon dioxide can have a global effect as carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas and is a big contributor to the greenhouse effect. The reduction in soil also causes a reduction in the infiltration rate, this increases soil run off and erosion which can lead to the deposition of sediment onto roads and into drains, this can also cause damage to the quality of water in lakes and rivers due to an excess inputs of chemicals and other substances. The increased run off and sedimentation can cause a greater risk of flooding further downstream.  [7]  The effect of carbon solubility in water also means exchanges of carbon can occur in the worlds oceans causing a wider spread effect. Changes in carbon between the atmosphere and land are dynamic and can be shown in the carbon cycle (figure 3). Figure 3 show the carbon cycle of a farm. Changing the inputs and outputs, or removing stores can drastically change the amount of carbon in the atmosphere or in the land. Figure 3 taken from Pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides and fungersides) are another pollutant from agriculture that can cause problems for the environment. Pesticides use has become an integral part of modern farming in the UK, with most crops having at least one and usually many more applications, with Cereal crop being sprayed around six times on average in the UK. More expensive crops such as vegetables and fruit can be sprayed over 15 times. The crops are sprayed to kill organisms such as pests, diseases and weed as they are unwanted in agriculture production as they would lower yield size.  [8]  However pesticides can cause point source or diffuse pollution in a number of ways. Pesticides can cause direct contamination of ground and surface waters. They can contaminate soil and leach into ground and surface waters. Pesticides also disrupt food chain and food webs as they can affect non-target organisms, whether by direct contamination or by accumulating further down the food web. Th is is a high occurrence as less than 0.1% of pesticides reach there target organism.  [9]   The movement of pollutants between the land, water and atmosphere can be summarised in figure 4. Figure 4 shows the relationship between pollution coming from a farm and the cycle it takes between the land, water and atmosphere .The pollutants could come from a number of the sources and examples that have been mentioned. Figure 4 taken from original by R. Cook 2000. The effects of the agriculture pollution may be accounted for in two ways by the assignment of monetary value. The cost may be financial, for example incurred in water treatment or economic for instance due to the loss of a landscape feature valued by people which can be classed as visual pollution. The cost of agricultural in the UK is high and in 1996 the total external cost of UK agriculture was  £2343 million (range for 1990-1996:  £1149-  £3907 million). This is the equivalent to  £208 per hectare of arable and permanent pasture. Significant costs occur from pollution due to agriculture, whether direct from point source pollution or from non point source pollution costs in the UK include; the contamination of drinking water with pesticides ( £120 million per year), from emission of gases ( £1113 million per year), soil erosion ( £106 million per year) and food poisoning ( £169 million per year), from damage to wildlife, habitats, hedgerows and dry stone walls (visual pollution) (125 million per year).  [10]   Pollution control and solutions should take into account the external cost or externalities caused by economic activity. For example a side effect or by product of agricultural practice which is unpriced within the farming economy may be incurring a cost for someone else by reducing their profits or welfare.  [11]   Solutions to agricultural pollution can include; Government action through changes in policy and law; this could mean that farmers are forced to cut down the pollution they are causing. Research and development, including training and information programs and economic instruments such as financial subsidies and taxes could help reduce pollution, as alternative methods of farming that pollute less may be offered to the farmers with money incentives, while heavy polluting techniques and methods may be taxed. Other methods can include the modification behaviour by farmers, including changes in the use of agrochemical inputs, and other farm management practices. Practical solutions too many pollutants can be achieved through good agricultural practice (GAP). GAP is a well established approach in Morden farming to reduce environmental pollution and is supported with national and international legislations. The UK has published guidelines on pesticide usage which along with GAP is intended to both minimise their impact on the environment and allow safer usage. Practical solutions regarding gaseous emissions in agriculture are controlled with the support of legislation such as the Kyoto Protocol, which the European Union is committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The UK is looking to reduce the level of emissions in 1990 by 12.5% before 2012.  [12]  To achieve this reduction the UK will need to cut its carbon dioxide in most of the economic sectors including agriculture. Pollution management can be achieved in two ways. An attempt to cure the problem by acting against the pollutants themselves, for example water treatment, or by preventing the cause of the pollution by encouraging alternative agricultural practices that are less polluting such as organic farming. Organic farming would reduce the number of pollution incidents due to agrochemicals, for example pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides  [13]  . However many farmer may be apposed to a move in organic farming, as it may result with a decreases yield of crop and an increase in labour outputs. A move to organic products may also reduce the target market for the food buyers, as higher labour and growing costs general mean the final product is more expensive than intensively grow products. This could limit the number of buyers this could result in a significant reduction in profit. In conclusion pollution can arise from agriculture in a number of ways. The effects of the pollution can vary drastically, from affecting only a small localised area through point source pollution such as a single farm, or by having a wider effect, sometimes on a global scale, such as non point source pollution. The pollution from agriculture can also effect both the environment, including the animals and nearby residents, but also the economy. Reducing pollution in agriculture can be difficult and have knock-on effects on both the environment and the economy. Many farming techniques rely on high polluting intensive farming methods to simply meet the demand of the population. Methods like these can be degrading to the environment, but vital for the farming economy to survive and meet there demand. However this can cause huge amounts of money to be spent by other organisations to clean up the pollution that they are causing. On the other hand many farming techniques designs to reduce the amount of pollution being caused from agriculture rely heavily on government funding in the form of incentives, which may reduce the environmental impacts but cost the country money. As conflicts can occur between the management of pollution issues there are many policies and legislations designed to minimise the effects of agricultural pollution and many try and find a balance between economic activity and the environment, such as the press ure-state-response frame work.  [14]  The best way to manage the pollution incidents I believe is through the prevention rather than cure. I believe that encouragement and search of practical solutions to reduce agriculture pollution is the best way to combat the problem. I also feel that compromises will have to be made both financially and environmentally to achieve the best result.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Images and Imagery in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Imagery in Macbeth  Ã‚     Ã‚   Shakespeare uses a variety of techniques in order to add depth and the underlying subtext within his plays. 'Macbeth' is no exception, he uses the stark imagery of clothing, the sickening physicality of blood and the concept of darkness to communicate a number of themes.   In turn this conveys important symbols that can be found within the play.    Within 'Macbeth' the imagery of clothing portrays how Macbeth is seeking to hide his "disgraceful self" from his own eyes and those around him. Shakespeare wants to keep alive the ironical contrast between the wretched creature that Macbeth really is, and the disguises he assumes to conceal the fact. In my opinion, the reader thinks of the play honors as garments to be worn; likewise, Macbeth is constantly represented symbolically as the wearer of robes not belonging to him. He is wearing an undeserved dignity, which is a crucial point that Shakespeare has made. The description of the purpose of clothing in Macbeth is the fact that these garments are not his. This perhaps leads to the notion that Macbeth is uncomfortable in them because he is continually conscious of the fact that he is not the rightful owner.    Below we can see the way in which that Macbeth's new honors sits ill upon him, like loose and badly fitting garments, which in essence belongs to someone else:    "New honours come upon him, Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould, But with the aid of use."(Act I, iii: 144)    Specifically the use of the word 'strange' allows the reader to see how he fills uncomfortable in what he is wearing and therefore the role that he is performing.    In a Shakespearean tragedy, he is known to create a unique t... ...contrast to moments with less detailed subtext.   These depths of meanings are vitally important within Macbeth as it signifies not only character intention but plot devises that manipulate the lives we see on stage.    Works Cited and Consulted: Bradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 1991. Campbell, Lily B. Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes, Slaves of Passion. Gloucester: Peter Smith Publisher Inc., 1973.  Ã‚   Edwards, Terence. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Macbeth. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1977. Hunter, G.K. "Macbeth in the Twentieth Century." Aspects of Macbeth. Ed. Kenneth Muir Shakespeare, William.   Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scott, Mark W. (Editor).   Shakespeare for Students.   Gale Research Inc. Detroit, Michigan. 1992   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Key Issues in W.E.B. DuBois’ The Souls of Black Folk

The Souls of Black Folk, by W.E.B. DuBois, is a compilation of essays written by DuBois and first published in 1903. In these essays, DuBois covers many of the problems that he sees in the lives of African American people. These multitude of problems can be summed up into one issue, â€Å"the problem of the color-line† (DuBois 1994, 9).DuBois sees this â€Å"color-line† as the root of difficulties for his race reaching back to the days of the Civil War, but he claims to really see it take hold in the era that he published his book, the early twentieth century (DuBois 1994, 9). Through his collection of essays, DuBois allows the reader to see multiple events pertaining to the lives of African Americans through his eyes, and paints the history of black struggles in ways that might not have been clear to someone who had not been so close to them.DuBois chose to begin each of his essays with a â€Å"sorrow song,† a line or two of music that â€Å"welled up from blac k souls in the dark past† (DuBois 1994, 1). These bits of song give the tone for each of the essays. DuBois speaks of being â€Å"a problem† to the white world around him, but he sees major issues in his time that keep people thinking of him as â€Å"a problem† (DuBois 1994, 2). These issues are those of â€Å"work, culture, and liberty,† (DuBois 1994, 6), things that DuBois does not see coming easily to his people.At the time, they lacked the right to vote, many lacked adequate schooling, and the â€Å"emancipation† granted in the Civil War era had not led to anything resembling true freedom (DuBois 1994, 6). An example of this lack of freedom is illustrated in the chapter, â€Å"Of The Black Belt.† This particular essay gives the reader the view from a traveling buggy in early twentieth century Georgia (DuBois 1994, 53). Due to recession after the war, most of the land has been abandoned by the previously wealthy owners, and is being rented to the African Americans who are willing to work on it (DuBois 1994, 53).These African Americans live in broken down plantations houses, barely fit for inhabitation, but still must pay exorbitant rents to the people who previously lived there (DuBois 1994, 53). On top of the out of control rents, no amount of money that the African Americans pay ensures them of ever owning any home or land (DuBois 1994, 60). The work they had   done on the land over the years quite often ended up sold to a white person, not matter how much the African American had paid on it (DuBois 1994, 61).Most of them are destitute, for all the money they make from growing crops goes into the hands of their landlords (DuBois 1994, 57). For a few older people, these landlords are their former owners. DuBois does not see this as freedom in any way. In fact, in the chapter â€Å"Of the Quest for the Golden Fleece† he is critical of the Emancipation due to the fact that it turned out so many slaves on thei r own, slaves who had not thought past being freed, and eventually caused them to come back to their former owners in order to have food and a place to live (DuBois 1994, 66).Another issue that DuBois finds relevant to the problem of the â€Å"color line† is the general lack of higher educational options, or â€Å"culture,† for the African American. In â€Å"Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others† DuBois gives the credit for a lot of this problem to Booker T. Washington and his plan of â€Å"Negroes (surviving) through submission† (DuBois 1994, 27). Washington’s plan was threefold. In it, African Americans should give up, â€Å"at least for the present: political power, insistence on civil rights, and higher education of Negro youth† (DuBois 1994, 27).Washington believed that these things could be accomplished later, but â€Å"compromise† would further the Negro cause at the time. DuBois was very much opposed to this system, stating t hat it caused, â€Å"the disfranchisement, the legal creation of a distinct status of civil inferiority, and the steady withdrawal of aid from institutions of higher training for the Negro† (DuBois 1994, 27).   He questioned any plan that would continue holding back his race, saying that Washington was hindering by bringing up the old â€Å"attitude of adjustment and submission† (DuBois 1994, 26).Another problem point for DuBois was the lack of liberty that his people had. For example, in the chapter â€Å"On The Coming of John,† DuBois tells the tale of a young African American man who strived to get past the â€Å"veil†and make something of himself. At first he was a poor student, but he refocused after being kicked out of school and came back with a real desire to learn. This learning, however, made him aware of the many things that he was excluded from.He â€Å"noticed now the oppression that had not seemed oppression before,† was angry when people did not call him â€Å"mister,† and was offended at having to ride in the â€Å"Jim Crow† cars (DuBois 1994, 95). The story continues on with the young man facing racism at every turn. The essay ends with the young man having exerted liberty by saving a young Negro woman from an amorous white man, whom he kills, but the liberty of action came at a price. As we leave the tale, the young man is sitting calmly at the site of the crime, waiting for the lynch mob he hears from far away to come get him (DuBois 1994, 102). The message that the tale conveys is that the lack of liberty to take part in the white world in bound to lead to disenchantment and anger for those held behind the â€Å"veil† (DuBois, 1994, 95).DuBois tackles the topic of African American religion in the chapter, â€Å"Of the Faith of the Fathers.† He explains the roots of Negro religions on the plantations. They were more likely to be pagan and voodoo like, because that is what most of them were taught in their native lands (DuBois 1994, 84). It took the impressions of missionaries and plantation owners to give the religion a â€Å"veneer of Christianity,† and it took several generations for the Negroes to come to a following of authentic Christianity (DuBois 1994, 84).However, DuBois has a problem with how Christianity came to be presented to the slave population. Whereas the â€Å"voodoo† type religions had â€Å"deepened and strengthened† the slaves, Christianity was manipulated by the plantation owners to weaken them (DuBois 1994, 84-85). In DuBois’ opinion, the Negro had been so run down that he was â€Å"losing the joy of this world† and â€Å"(eagerly) seizing upon the offered conceptions of the next† (DuBois 1994, 85). The Negroes became â€Å"fatalistic,† and with that fatalism came the traits of â€Å"shiftlessness† and â€Å"hopelessness† (DuBois 1994, 85).When they became free, many turn ed their religion into an idea of â€Å"revenge† (DuBois, 1994, 85). The â€Å"Coming of the Lord† was looked for, and people pledged to die before going back to slavery (DuBois 1994, 86). There was also an idea that the slave owners would get their punishment when the Lord came, so the event was highly anticipated. At the time DuBois was writing, religion had split into two sectors for the Negro. Northern blacks held a vengeful ideal, and Southern blacks fell into â€Å"hypocritical compromise† (DuBois 1994, 87). Neither were ideal, and DuBois closed with the hope that there would be an â€Å"awakening† and â€Å"the real Negro heart† would come â€Å"out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death,† and create a new world where the things he desired for his people would not be â€Å"for White People Only† (Dubois 1994, 88).There is much more that could be said about DuBois’ essays, but the main thing that this writer believes that h e would want a person to take from his work is the idea that one group of people cannot be subjugated forever. Although some may not want to work for freedom, there are always a few that will want to learn and make a better person out of themselves. Instead of a taste of liberty angering them because they cannot do anything with it, the taste should bring them joy as they are accepted into the new world they have so longed for. DuBois never got to see a world like that, but perhaps one day his descendants, and ours, will.Reference ListDuBois, W.E.B. 1994. The souls of black folk. New York: Dover Publications.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Benefits of Preschool for Your Toddler

How Beneficial is preschool for your toddler? Jane M. Rentas Barry University Author Note This paper was prepared for English 202 taught by Dr. Louise Rogers How beneficial is preschool for your toddler? Preschool is an early childhood program in which children combine learning with playing in a program run by professionally trained adults. Children are most commonly enrolled in preschool between the ages of two through five years old..Preschools are different from your traditional daycare in that their emphasis is learning and development rather than enabling parents to work or pursue other activities. In addition to being called preschool, these programs are known by other names, including child care, day care, and nursery school. They vary widely in their setting, format, and educational requirements. Preschools may meet all-day or half-day, either every day or just a few days per week. They could be sponsored by a church, operate as an independent non-profit, or run for profit.Th ey may be part of the public school system or part of the Federal Head Start program. Before 1960, the education of young children was the responsibility of families within the home. As of 2004, most young children in the United States spend some of their days apart from their parents. Most children attended some sort program like Headstart, Daycare or VPK prior to kindergarten. The enrollment rate for four-year-olds in 2001 was almost the same as the enrollment rate for five-year-olds in 1970. There are several factors that influence this dramatic change.One factor being a rise in the numbers of mothers working outside of the home, a decline in the size of families which leads more parents to turn to preschools as a social outlet for their children, and a desire to give children a head start academically. The higher the income and educational level of the parents, it is more likely that their child will attend preschool. As the years go by, we will see an increase of children atten ding preschool because of the substantial increase of governmental support for programs targeting children in low-income households.According to the National Institute for Early Education Research, the types of teaching activities and classroom emphases that contribute to a high-quality early education for children include the opportunities to learn persistence when working at tasks, direction following, and good listening skills, focus on language and literacy skills, as well as interactive book reading, emphasis on teaching children problem-solving skills and opportunities for preschoolers to engage in music and art. The greatest academic and social progress seen in preschools is in children from deprived backgrounds.Most children in preschool are not disadvantaged, and some researchers believe the same gains of attending preschool can be done at home by providing them educational toys, games, movies and books for the child. In some preschools, the ability of groups might mean tha t children will not receive the one on one attention they require. This is a major risk if the preschool does not follow the National Association for the Education of Young Children's recommended teacher-to-child ratio of no more than ten preschoolers per staff member.One-on-one instruction is an advantage parents will not likely find in any preschool. There are other opportunities for playing with other children that exist in churches, clubs, and other sports, where the child can learn social skills. Some believe that what children need most is lots of playing and free time and close interaction with their parents something that may be affected if the child is away from home for long periods of time. Another disadvantage is that some children experience acute separation anxiety, which indicates that they are not yet ready to make the transition to the environment of preschool.Many programs also expect the child to be toilet-trained , which is a milestone that not all children have at the preschool age. Parents considering sending their child to preschool should investigate several different ones and consider many factors before choosing one. Parents should also realize that in spite of the potential advantages that preschool may have, preschool may not be for every child. Parents can also find and research alternative ways of introducing their child to early academic skills and social activities.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conservative Perspective on Health Care Reform

Conservative Perspective on Health Care Reform Contrary to popular opinion, conservatives do indeed believe there is a need for health care reform. If there is one thing upon which Republicans, Democrats, liberals, and conservatives can agree, it is that the health care system in America is broken.The issue, then, is what exactly is broken about it. Liberals generally believe the only way to fix the system is for the government to operate it, the way Canada and the United Kingdom run their systems via universal health care. Conservatives, on the other hand, disagree with this notion and contend that the American government is wholly unequipped to take on such a huge endeavor, and even if it were, the resulting bureaucracy would be terribly inefficient like most government programs.Conservatives arent just naysayers, however. Their plan is more optimistic in tone because they believe the current system can be fixed with reform measures such as promoting competition between health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, reforming the Medicare payment system, establishing clear standards of care and ending the lottery court system by capping damage awards ordered by activist judges. Latest Developments Democrats on Capitol Hill have been floating the concept of a single-payer health care system similar to the ones currently in practice in Canada and the United Kingdom.Conservatives staunchly oppose this idea on the grounds that regardless of what filmmaker Michael Moore says government-run health care systems are notoriously slow, inefficient and costly.Before he was elected in 2008, President Barack Obama promised to save the typical American family $2,500 annually by reforming the insurance market and creating a National Health Insurance Exchange. In his press releases, the president claims the Obama/Biden plan will Make Health Insurance Work for People and Businesses Not Just Insurance and Drug Companies.The National Health Insurance Exchange is ostensibly modeled after the Congressional health benefits plan. The plan would allow employers to reduce their premiums by switching most of their employees over to the government program (of course non-unionized workers would have n o say in the matter at all). The new nationalized health care plan would then absorb these new individual health care costs, bloating an already overburdened federal government even further. Background Costs surrounding the health care industry are inflated by three very particular elements, two of which involve the insurance industry. Because of (in many cases) preposterous court settlements that create a veritable lottery for plaintiffs seeking damages, liability insurance for health care providers is out of control. If doctors and other medical professionals want to continue to operate and generate a profit, they often have no choice but to charge exorbitant fees for their services, which are then passed along to the consumers insurance company. Insurance companies, in turn, raise premiums on the consumers. Physician and consumer insurance plans constitute two of the culprits in the high cost of health care, but both are related directly what is happening in American courtrooms.When consumer insurance companies receive the bills for these high-cost services, it is in their best interest to find reasons not to pay or reimburse the insured. In many cases, these companies are unabl e to successfully avoid payment (because in most cases the services are medically necessary), so not only the consumer but the insured consumers employer experiences a rise in health care insurance premiums, as well. Bottom line: activist judges, seeking to drive home a point or make an example of a particular physician, combine to drive up the costs of liability insurance, which in turn drives up the costs of health care insurance.Unfortunately, these problems with the health care system are compounded by an out-of-control pharmaceutical industry.When a pharmaceutical manufacturer makes an important discovery and successfully introduces a new medication into the health care market, the immediate demand for that medication creates a disproportionate rise in cost. Its not enough for these manufacturers to make a profit, these manufacturers must make a killing (literally, when certain consumers are unable to afford the medication they need).There are pills that cost upwards of $100 each in the retail market, yet cost less than $10 per pill to manufacture. When the insurance companies receive the bill for these very expensive medications, it is in their nature to attempt to find a way to avoid absor bing those costs. Between exorbitant physician fees, exorbitant pharmaceutical fees and exorbitant health insurance fees, consumers often cannot afford the health care they need. The Need for Tort Reform The main culprit in the battle over health care costs is the extensive damage awards doled out by activist judges every day across the country. Thanks to these inflated awards, defendants hoping to avoid a court appearance are left with no other option than inflated settlements.Conservatives realize, of course, that in many cases there are reasonable complaints against providers who misdiagnose, mismanage or neglect a consumers proper treatment. Weve all heard the horror stories about doctors who confuse patients, leave utensils inside surgery patients, or make an egregious misdiagnosis.One way to ensure plaintiffs receive justice, while keeping health care costs from becoming artificially inflated is to develop clear standards of care to which all physicians must abide, and assign clear penalties in the form of reasonable financial damages for breaches of those standards and other transgressions.This may sound eerily like the concept of mandatory minimum sentencing, but it is not. Instead, it sets maximum civil penalties, which judges may impose, with the maximum penalties being awarded for circumstances resulting in wrongful-deaths. For more than one transgression, more than one penalty would apply. Such guidelines could also urge jurists to be creative; requiring providers to perform specific community service or, in the case of physicians, pro-bono work for a specific segment of society.Presently, legal lobbyists have made imposing caps on damages virtually impossible. Lawyers have a vested interest in procuring the maximum penalty possible, since their fees are often a percentage of the settlement or award. Reasonable legal fees should also be built into any system placing caps on penalties to ensure settlements or awards actually go to intended parties. Extravagant lawyer fees and frivolous lawsuits do as much to drive up the high costs of health care as the scandalous damages awarded by activist judges. The Need for Competition Many conservatives believe families, individuals and businesses should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide to heighten competition for their business and provide a variety of choices.Further, individuals should be permitted to obtain insurance privately or through organizations of their choice: employers, churches, professional associations or others. Such policies would automatically bridge the gap between retirement and Medicare eligibility and cover multiple years.More choices in coverage is just one aspect of a free-market health care system. Another is allowing consumers to shop for treatment options. This would promote competition between conventional and alternative providers and make patients the center of care. Permitting providers to practice nationwide also would build genuine national markets and give consumers greater responsibility in their own health care decisions.Competition ensures the public is better educated about preventative health care and treatmen t options. It forces providers to be more transparent regarding medical outcomes, quality of care and the costs of treatment. It also means more competitive pricing. Lesser quality providers get weeded out, because like elsewhere in the free-market economy they get priced out of malpractice insurance and have no way to raise their prices. Developing national standards of care to measure and record treatments and outcomes ensures only top-quality providers remain in business.Dramatic reforms in Medicare would have to supplement a free-market health care system. Under this scenario, the Medicare payment system, which compensates providers for prevention, diagnosis and care, would have to be overhauled into a tiered system, with providers not being paid for preventable medical errors or mismanagement.Competition in the pharmaceutical market would force down drug prices and expand cheaper generic drug alternatives. Safety protocols permitting the re-importation of drugs would keep competition in the drug industry vigorous, as well. In all cases of health care competition, the consumer would be protected through enforcement of federal protections against collusion, unfair business actions and deceptive consumer practices. Where It Stands Democrats in the US House and Senate are preparing legislation that would include government-subsidized insurance plan and would require individuals and businesses to be covered or face financial penalties.Obamas vision of a National Health Insurance Exchange is a step closer to reality, while the nation is a step closer to universal health care.The governments entrance into the health insurance market could spell disaster for private insurers, which would be unable to compete. Adding further complications for the private health insurance industry are new mandates included in the bill that would prevent insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals based on their medical history.In other words, Democrats want to create a public health insurance program that competes with private companies, and at the same time, make it harder for private companies to stay in business.Conservatives, meanwhile, fear that the legislation could lead to an entire takeover of the health care ind ustry, thus implementing a model of European socialism in America.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Changes Are Afoot for theSAT

Changes Are Afoot for theSAT Yesterday it was announced that the SAT would be revising its test for the second time in just over a decade. To help you prepare for the next version of this popular standardized test, find here an outline of the changes plus other important announcements from The College Board that will impact future college admissions. What will the new SAT look like? The new SAT, to be released in 2016, will feature four significant changes: The SAT essay, introduced in 2005, will become an optional segment of the exam SAT scoring, also changed in 2005, will return from the 2400- to the 1600-point system Points will no longer be deducted for incorrect answers (currently students lose 1/4 of a point for each wrong answer) And lastly, SAT vocabulary will become a thing of the past, as complete-the-sentence sections of the exam are replaced by ones that test students critical reading of a passage. Why make these changes? One thought that struck me when I read over these changes was that the SAT is increasingly becoming more like the ACT. The criteria are familiar: no deduction of points for incorrect answers, no required essay, and a significant critical reading section are all key points of the ACT that many students over the past decade have recognized as advantages to taking it over the SAT. So much so that gone are the days that the SAT is the go-to test; when I was a high school junior, nobody ever mentioned the ACT, but when I became a test-prep tutor five years later it was the exam 90% of my students elected to take. Why? When they were evaluated at the start of our course, the overwhelming majority performed better on the ACT than the SAT. It gave them a step-up in achieving a higher ranking, and as students favor of the test increased, colleges willingness to accept it on equal terms with the SAT followed suit. For whatever reason, be it an attempt to curry more favor (and cash) or a genuine recognition of a need to assess students more fairly, the SAT is moving towards a format more similar to the ACT. What do these changes mean for students? When I tutored students for the SAT, a significant focus of our preparation was on strategy. To perform well, one has to form a plan of attack, making a practical decision from the outset on how many questions would need to be answered to achieve the desired score. Thats because every wrong answer a student might give could decrease his or her overall score, thanks to the quarter-point deduction for an incorrect choice. Except for the cases where students strove for a perfect score, it was more advantageous to leave x number of questions blank. Now, however, the idea of SAT strategy will be tossed by the wayside. Is this good or bad? Perhaps we should simply say it assesses a different skill. The SAT Reasoning Test, to go by its full name, was designed to test a students ability to reason and evaluate. In reality, though, this has meant that in many cases the SAT measures little more than how well a student takes the SAT. If it moves closer towards assessing students mathematical and verbal abilities, I say thats a very good thing. New SAT scoring will make the guessing game a thing of the past Another prime focus of my SAT tutoring sessions was on SAT vocabulary. For those of you who havent taken the SAT in a while, the dreaded a:b as c:__ questions were thankfully removed from the test some time ago. That question type had students do nothing more than memorize as many SAT words as they could, and if you think punctilious and occlusion stayed in their minds past the big exam day, youd be wrong. But vocabulary continued to be a part of the exams Critical Reading section, only in the form of complete-the-sentence questions. This format is drastically different, as blank spaces are surrounded by context clues that smart testers look for when determining a definition. Learning how to look for these clues is the secret to scoring well on a vocabulary test, much more than studying a dictionary. Equally helpful is the study of Greek and Latin root words, as shown below. Now, I have to tell you: this will not change on the 2016 version of the SAT.  Yes, complete-the-sentence questions will be removed, but that doesnt mean vocabulary wont still be a factor in testing. When the Critical Reading section is adapted to be very similar to the ACTs (containing multiple passages and accompanying multiple choice questions that assess ones understanding of those passages) you can be sure that test-makers will still look to assess your ability to determine the definition of a word. On the ACT these questions are called Vocabulary-in-Context questions, and look a little something like this: In line 38, the word  soft means?                                                                           A. Smooth                                                                           B. Friendly                                                                           C. Quiet                                                                           D. Angry Without looking at the word soft in context, the correct choice could be A or C. The true test is of a students ability to look back at the passage and determine the correct connotation of the word. My prediction is that SAT vocabulary will move even more in this direction than it has in the past. That said, I still believe SAT novels like this one  are a good way to expose students to words they might encounter on any standardized test. Thats because half the challenge is overcoming the intimidation that an unfamiliar, lengthy word presents to the test-taker. Speaking of the Critical Reading section, the passages within it will follow a different focus than before, with a greater emphasis on real-world texts. Once again, the SAT will closely align itself with the ACT: the reading section will enable students to analyze a wide range of sources, including literature and literary non-fiction, science, history and social studies (the ACTs reading section contains 4 passages, in Prose Fiction, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Natural Science). The good thing about the SAT is that source documents will in places originate from some well-known places: Each exam will include a passage drawn from the Founding Documents of America or the Great Global Conversation they inspire - texts like the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. That means students have plenty of opportunities to study familiar texts beforehand. In fact, has study guides and annotated etexts of those very documents to help students gain understanding prior to taking their exams: Letter from Birmingham Jail study guide The Federalist Papers study guide Declaration of Independence questions and answers and more Social Sciences and History eTexts Finally, the subject of the SAT essay being dropped. Lets tackle this monster on its own To take or not to take the SAT essay? Hallelujah!  young freshman across the country will exclaim, on hearing the 25-minute essay portion of the SAT is no longer a requirement. Poor little babies, they think theyve been given a free pass. Sadly, that isnt the case. Yes the essay is now  optional, but dont think that means colleges wont be expecting you to take it. The essay portion of the ACT is optional, too, but I made every student of mine take it. Why? For one, its not as hard as you make it out to be; no test grader expects a polished final draft in such a short time span, and a little practice goes a long way in improving your score. Secondly, and simply, taking the essay looks better than not taking the essay. Believe it or not, colleges praise attempts just as much as achievements. So, my advice is to always take the essay on either standardized test.  Just make sure you go into it having practiced ahead of time. To help you, here are our 8 steps to writing a good essay for the SAT.  Once youve completed those, submit your essay to our Essay Lab Homework Help section  for a real-life teacher to grade and provide feedback on. One more note on the SAT essay: the above is in regards to the essay portion of the exam that is apart from the rest of the test. However, the future Critical Reading section will also include a short essay portion, the essay analyzing a source.  Therefore, one SAT essay will continue to be a requirement, though this CR essay will evaluate how well students analyze evidence and explain how an author builds an argument to persuade an audience and will greatly differ from the prompts given in the Writing section. Whether you take both essays or just one, you should still prepare for some hand cramping. What other changes to the SAT  will impact students? Free test-prep from The College Board and Khan Academy What this country needs is not more tests, but more opportunities, said Coleman. The real news today is not just the redesigned SAT, but the College Boards renewed commitment to delivering opportunity. David Coleman, College Board President, quoted in its press release In accordance with this promise, Coleman announced that free test-prep will be provided to students the world over, thanks to a partnership with Khan Academy. The material will be designed by both partners together and launched in the spring of 2015. Financial aid to students in need Qualifying students who take the SAT will receive four fee waivers to apply to college. It doesnt appear from the press release that The College Board will offer the actual test for free to these students, but offering them the expensive opportunity to apply to their desired colleges will make a drastic impact on many students lives. Bringing test-prep into the classroom? The press release is vague on these details, but this statement seems to indicate that classwork may be influenced to prepare students for standardized testing: Moving forward, the College Board will also support the practice of excellent work in classrooms by working with teachers and college faculty to design course frameworks and modules for use in grades 6–12. A writing prize modeled after the Pulitzer From edSurge: While writing might be taking a back seat on the SAT, College Board revealed plans to create a writing competition, modeled after the Pulitzer Prize. The prize will be awarded for analytical writing pieces. Winners will be published in  The Atlantic. More details have yet to be released. There you have it: an outline of the biggest changes to the SAT. For more details on these adjustments, you can find the official press release from The College Board here. And as always, our educators are standing by to deliver any test-prep help you may need with the current SAT and ACT. Good luck to everyone taking the SAT in just a couple of days! And dont forget the deadline to register for the next ACT is tomorrow.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Longisquama - Facts and Figures

Longisquama - Facts and Figures Name: Longisquama (Greek for long scales); pronounced LONG-ih-SKWA-mah Habitat: Woodlands of central Asia Historical Period: Middle Triassic (230-225 million years ago) Size and Weight: About six inches long and a few ounces Diet: Probably insects Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; feather-like plumes on pack About Longisquama To judge by its single, incomplete fossil specimen, Longisquama was closely related to other small, gliding reptiles of the Triassic period like Kuehneosaurus and Icarosaurus. The difference is that these latter reptiles possessed flat, butterfly-like wings of skin, whereas Longisquama had thin, narrow plumes jutting out from its vertebrae, the exact orientation of which is a continuing mystery. Its possible that these quill-like structures extended from side to side and gave Longisquama some lift when it jumped from branch to branch of high trees, or they may have stuck straight up and served a strictly decorative function, probably related to sexual selection. Of course, it hasnt escaped the notice of scientists that Longisquamas frills seem to have stopped just short of being genuine feathers. A small handful of paleontologists have seized on this resemblance to propose that Longisquama may have been ancestral to birdswhich would either cause this creature (which is tentatively classified as a diapsid reptile) to be reclassified as an early dinosaur or archosaur, or upend established thought entirely and trace modern birds back to an obscure family of gliding lizards. Until more fossil evidence is found, though, the current theory (that birds evolved from feathered theropod dinosaurs) appears to be safe!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Employee Compensation and Benefits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Employee Compensation and Benefits - Assignment Example In this case, subordinates like a secretary earns within the lower range. The wages will be paid every Sunday of every week and the amount of wages per worker will be reviewed annually based on the prevailing inflation rates of the country, performance measures and amount of profits earned in the company (Trani, 2003). Bonus payments will be paid to employees who perform exceptionally. The secretary will therefore earn a bonus if customers provide a positive feedback about her. Performance management system of the company will appraise the performance of the secretary annually and provide bonuses based on the performance rankings and ratings. The bonus will be provided in cash basis determined as a percentage of salary. The bonus is paid based on appraisal of the employee’s performance in terms of the speed of performing tasks, level of organisation during employee training, and how the secretary treats applicants when they come for interview. The employee benefits of the secretary will include healthcare benefits, disability insurance and retirement benefits, and will be paid to the secretary just like any other employee of the organization. 2.5 percent of secretary’s weekly wages will be deducted to cover for monthly premium of the employee’s healthcare and the remaining amount of monthly premium is paid by the business to cover for the secretary’s healthcare benefits (Goldman et al, 2005). If the secretary is not able to work on a short term basis due to disability, the business provides 50% of income (pre-disability wages) as part of her benefits package. This is based on the requirement of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ fixed percentage earnings which requires 50%-70% of employee’s predetermined salary to be paid as disability insurance (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). This will be paid every

Friday, October 18, 2019

Yanomamo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Yanomamo - Essay Example The Yanomamo â€Å"foot-people† are spread out in about 125 villages scattered far and wide (Chagnon, 1983). Yanomamo is essentially a kin-based foraging and horticultural society. Kinship is a basic human trait. It is an important component that drives social behavior in every culture around the world. So also among the Yanomamo. Their social and political life is wholly controlled by kinship relationships (Chagnon, 1983). The Yanomamo communities live in small settlements or villages numbering 363 having 30 – 90 residents each, but sometimes reaching 200 or more (Hames, 1995). According to Chagnon (1974), larger the village size more intense their warfare. The people (numbering about 30 to 200) grouped by families live in one large circular communal dwelling, called a Shabono, having an open-air central plaza. Such an area of residence helps create strong bondsamong the people living there. Social organization of the Yanomamo based on kinship The people of the Yanomam o tribe classify themselves into two groupings - sibs (that is, clans) or lineages, both of which are formed based on kinship ties (Kensinger, 1996). Sib members trace their descent through their father from a named ancestor, â€Å"†¦.are dispersed throughout many villages and provide hospitality and safety for visiting kin.† (Kensinger, 1996).... As lineages are generally formed to promote the political ambitions of actual or wannabe leaders, they reflect the oscillations in political power. Usually disputes over leadership within lineages leads to village fissioning, and thereby to the scattering and even destruction of lineages. Yanomamo marriages The marriage exchange system of the Yanomamo people is generally based on kinship. It follows 4 main principles namely, lineage exogamy, bilateral cross cousin marriage, village endogamy, and polygyny. The Yanomamo society is exogamous and persons from the same localized lineage are prohibited from marrying. The members jointly take part in the selection of marriage partners for their children from within the allied lineage groups. The marriage system builds regular relationship between pairs of lineage groups who commonly intermarry through a system of bilateral cross cousin marriage ( A moiety system is created by such intermarriages when the intermarrying unit s co-reside in the same village. The co-settlement of intermarrying lineages is an example of village endogamy .Although under such a marriage system the Yanomamo lineages have collective rights to marry off their women and claim wives in exchange, they are not vested with the rights of administering joint assets such as land ( The practice of polygyny by the Yanomamo is exemplified by the fact that the men of the tribe commonly marry more than one wife. Polygyny among the Yanomamo is typically associated with the men’s rank or other achievements (Chagnon, 1983). Yanomamo political system The Yanomamo political system is not centralized which is because the community does

Restaurant Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restaurant Management - Research Paper Example evelopingstandard test methods and conducting scientific testing on the energy performanceof both gas and electric commercial kitchen equipment and appliances, expanding the market for energy efficient commercial kitchen technology, and working with partners in encouraging innovative and sustainable ideas, products, services and operations which would reduce harmful effects on health and environment. Food service has been in constant dynamic growth over the years. As a food service increases, the need for technology to enhance the processes of receiving goods and supplies, storage, preparation and service, rises as well. Because of this, the sales of kitchen equipment and appliances that promote efficiency in food service kitchens are in continuous growth over the years. The utilization of these food service equipment and appliances placed food service industry to a high position in the pyramid of energy consumption by industry. Energy production, especially the burning of fossil fuels, is among the topmost enhancers of environmental deterioration. In this case, reinventing food service technology, in such a way that energy consumption is in minimum without compromising the quality and performance sounds promising. The continuous growth and expansion of the food service industry should not compromise the health and condition of people and environment, hence innovations that woul d address these concerns is of crucial and vital importance. According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the term sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. In the same light, sustainable restaurants are food service providers that manage the social and environmental impact of their operations. These industries are promoting measures which address environmental and social issues such as climate change, animal welfare and food waste. Sustainable

Global View of Modern History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Global View of Modern History - Essay Example The transatlantic slave trade is a well-documented event that represents the rise of European economic power. It occurred between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries in West Africa. Commercial interest drew Europeans to West Africa as trade networks expanded to and within the region. Europeans tapped the commercial value of slave trade which led to a huge migration of West African slaves across the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean basin (Bentley  and Ziegler, 559). The labour these slaves provided played a vital role in the enhancement of European agriculture, technology, and trade thereby allowing it an advantage over other civilizations (Pomeranz, 266). The Industrial Revolution was an important event that characterizes Europe’s step towards greater sophistication and technological advantage, which was critical in driving European power. Before the revolution, Europe’s backwardness lied in agriculture, means of production, land management, and inefficient use of fuelwood (Pomeranz, 32). The Industrial Revolution provided Europe with a technological lead over the rest of the world which was possible through Europe’s interaction with other civilizations. Further, it allowed the European society to transform into an industrial society characterized by mass production, paving the way for capitalism (Bentley  and Ziegler, 659). World War I is another significant event in world history, also known as the Great War, which represents a European conflict of large scale. World War I mainly involved European powers and their colonies, including the Allies and the Associated Powers and the Central Powers. The conflict which erupted as an Austro-Serbian dispute grew to involve Europe’s powerful empires. Again, the World War I represents the rise of European power because, with the defeat of the Central Powers, the European Colonialists were able to exercise power that created current conflicts such as the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Events management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Events management - Assignment Example Some of the temporary facilities include Horse Guards Parade and Hyde Park (Rosner & Shropshire 2010). The new facilities that were used as venues have been maintained, some have been resized, and others relocated. In order to have a successful event, a committee known as London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games was formed in order to oversee the whole process of conducting the Olympic Games (Rhatigan & Haley 2012). This team was charged with the responsibility of building infrastructures and venues of the event. On the other hand, the government had its own body known as Government Olympic Executive that was responsible for supervising the massive billions of pounds that were poured to fund the event. It is worth noting that the committees did an exemplary job in making the London 2012 a success. Several companies bankrolled the London 2012. Some of the main sponsors of the event included Coca-Cola, Acer, Adidas, Atos, Omega, Panasonic, Samsung, McDonald’s, P&G, among others (Cotgreave 2012). Lastly, London 2012 had a tight security led by the police. There were over ten thousand officers who received support from thirteen thousand five hundred members of the armed forces. The police officers ensured that the participants as well as the members of the public who attended the event were safe (Barden 2008). It is reported that massive funds was pumped to beef up security during the Olympic Games. Cotgreave, A., 2012. London 2012 Olympic sponsors list: who are they and what have they paid? The Guardian. Available at:

Threat Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Threat Analysis - Essay Example This ideological rise prompts other non-state actors as well as local jihads. Moreover, the funding as well as training for such non-state actors is still wired through Al-Qaida. 1 While comparing the pre-9/11 propaganda propagated by other non-state actors, the current al-Qaida make of propaganda is awfully violent, openly urging Muslims to kill.2 Additionally, Al-Qaida’s ideological potency is evident in its ever changing operational targets i.e. whereas in the 1980’s the U.S. was the prime target, now al-Qaida has redirected the terror acts towards U.S. allies e.g. U.K., Spain, Turkey e.t.c. 2 As a result of the counterterrorism measures by U.S. against al Qaeda since September11th terror attacks, as well as defensive operations abroad aimed at improving security, most of U.S. citizens now feel more secure now. Furthermore, now U.S. intelligence analysts appreciate that the adversary is not Islam; but a distortion of Islam is the foe. In fact, U.S. adversaries go beyond al-Qaida (a non-state actor) to accommodate the radical ideological factions, motivated to a certain extent by al Qaeda3; and the threat of Islamist extremism as well as terrorism will continue, but it will diminish significantly in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Events management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Events management - Assignment Example Some of the temporary facilities include Horse Guards Parade and Hyde Park (Rosner & Shropshire 2010). The new facilities that were used as venues have been maintained, some have been resized, and others relocated. In order to have a successful event, a committee known as London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games was formed in order to oversee the whole process of conducting the Olympic Games (Rhatigan & Haley 2012). This team was charged with the responsibility of building infrastructures and venues of the event. On the other hand, the government had its own body known as Government Olympic Executive that was responsible for supervising the massive billions of pounds that were poured to fund the event. It is worth noting that the committees did an exemplary job in making the London 2012 a success. Several companies bankrolled the London 2012. Some of the main sponsors of the event included Coca-Cola, Acer, Adidas, Atos, Omega, Panasonic, Samsung, McDonald’s, P&G, among others (Cotgreave 2012). Lastly, London 2012 had a tight security led by the police. There were over ten thousand officers who received support from thirteen thousand five hundred members of the armed forces. The police officers ensured that the participants as well as the members of the public who attended the event were safe (Barden 2008). It is reported that massive funds was pumped to beef up security during the Olympic Games. Cotgreave, A., 2012. London 2012 Olympic sponsors list: who are they and what have they paid? The Guardian. Available at:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The history of geisha Essay Example for Free

The history of geisha Essay The history of geisha is often rooted to the 11th century into two noble women who invented a new dance on which they entertained the warriors. In order to represent the court dress of the warriors these women donned white outfits, and they wore tall hat, long white gown, and swords sheathed on their waists. The dance remained and as time progress the costumes changed into a black hat and red skirts and eventually the hat along with the sword were taken away from the picture. On the other hand, there are also some versions in the history of the geisha from which people believe that geisha were originally males who gave entertainment in a society they refers to as the water world. As time goes on there had been a huge transformation and came the emergence of female geisha. As the geisha’s popularity increased they started to entertain in tea houses and started setting the trend of those which are in in the Japanese culture. In 1779, however, the authorities were outraged with the way the geisha conducts their selves without paying taxes to the government and thus disciplinary rules were established along with a code of conducts which is still being uphold in today’s time. Geisha claim that they do not sell their bodies, but their skills and for that they should not be compared to a prostitute. Fact is, geisha are highly respected and admired people in society. Geisha are well aware of the rules of their profession and they are given a choice on whether they want to continue being a geisha or not. Since the geisha knows beforehand everything which they would face in the name of their profession they accept all their duties and do it them perfectly. Geisha could also be affected by the public in that they are â€Å"walking work of arts† and it is their goal to please those people to whom they are performing. The public’s acceptance and appreciation of their effort matters greatly to a geisha and this is basically the reason why they continue to hone their skills all throughout their lives (Cobb, 1998). Geisha is a Japanese term which basically means â€Å"artist†. Geisha are proficient hostesses who are well adept in keeping their guests amused by means of numerous art presentations. They could normally be seen in tea houses which they call O-chaya. Geisha are educated in several customary skills like Japanese ancient dances (Chiyo was noted to dance one of these dances alone in one part of the movie Memoirs of a Geisha), and songs. They are also educated in handling musical instruments and that is basically the reason why they play so beautifully. Aside from that, the geishas usually wear kimonos and they are highly proficient in tea ceremonies, calligraphy, conversation, serving the guests with alcoholic beverages, and many more. Geisha would have to study and strive to perfect all of these skills all throughout their careers (Downer, 2001). The success of a geisha is based on the way they exhibit beauty, grace, artistic skills, charisma, flawless good manners, sophistication, and elegance, thus contrary to what others may think, geishas are not prostitutes who make their livings by selling their bodies because in the contrary, geishas sells their skills and not their body and this is primarily the reason why in the movie Memoirs of a Geisha one of the ladies who handles geisha became so furious when she caught one of the geisha with a sperm on her legs, as a result the lady gave severe punishment to the geisha in question (Cobb, 1998). The only ones allowed in geisha houses are those guests who are established customers of the establishments and they do not take on new clients unless they are introduced by one of their old customers (this was also seen in the movie Memoirs of a Geisha). Basically, the being a geisha is an extremely expensive and exclusive business, in fact, geisha parties could cost a person thousands of American dollars. In 1920s geisha were about 80, 000 in number, however nowadays existing geisha are only about 10, 000 in number and this is partly due to the westernization taking place in Japan (Mishima, 2007). The roles of a geisha include training their selves in a variety of traditional arts like classical dancing, knowing how to play the Shamisen, and singing. Nowadays, geisha could also act as a model and they could even attend international tours. The work of a geisha is to entertain their guests at expensive tea houses, they would have to serve the guests their drinks, they have to talk with them, and most especially guests go to geisha houses to watch them perform. Geisha keep various different relationships with men, and yet they could not be called prostitutes. It is considered proper for a geisha to have herself a patron or what they call danna whom she is greatly involved with. Their involvement could come in financial, emotional, and even sexual terms and yet it is for the geisha to decide whether she wants to have a danna or not. Geisha could always be seen with their hair fashioned in a bun and they always wear chic kimonos and white make-ups (Marshall, 2005). Geisha also entertains at business meals and parties but these could costs a sizeable sum of money. One could rest assure that whatever it is talked about inside the premises would never be repeated by the geisha outside, also one should not expect geisha to do one-night stands because they do not, nor do they cook or serve their guests with food (Marshall, 2005). Basically, there are two kinds of geisha, the other one is referred to as tachikata (usually made up by maiko girls) and they mainly perform traditional dances the other one is called jikata (usually made up by older women) who usually perform by singing or playing an instrument (Marshall, 2005). Geisha are usually those who are daughters of a geisha or those who were sold by their relatives to an O-chaya. A large number of geisha were sold by their relatives because they either lost their parents or the family could not afford to raise them because of poverty. At the beginning of Memoirs of a Geisha, this was clearly depicted when Chiyo and her sister were separated and Chiyo ended up in the hands of an O-chaya (Fisher, Spielberg, and Wick 2005). The O-chaya would spend considerable amount of money in order to train beautiful young girls into the art of becoming a geisha. It is mainly the duty of the okamisan (mother who runs the O-chaya) to teach the girls into becoming proper geishas. The training is hard and rigorous, another aspect which was carefully portrayed in the movie. Upon reaching the age of 15-20 these girls eventually becomes maikos and they are made into an apprentice of a geisha, in Chiyo’s case the geisha she was apprenticed into is a vicious female. By the age of 20 a maiko is faced with a decision if she wants to carry on becoming a geisha or if she wants to quit. The initiation ceremony of becoming a geisha is called erigae, this also the same time when the girl’s virginity would be sold to the highest bidder (another factor which had been clearly illustrated in the movie), however, this kind of arrangement no longer takes place in today’s time. Basically, geisha are respected women in the society and they are known for their skills and beauty. They could not be likened to prostitutes in any way because surely, prostitutes are not admired by people and certainly they are not looked upon by young girls (in the Memoirs of a Geisha, Chiyo could be seen admiring the dresses, make-ups of a geisha, she is seen peeping and admiring the way a geisha conducts herself). Geisha are one of the most respected profession in Japan, in fact it is possible that it is the only profession in Japan a woman could have which would make her consistently rank her above men in the profession. Geisha also gives women opportunities to work in spite of their old age and due to the cultural and traditional values associated in this maintenance of traditional art geisha are given and treated with a great deal of respect they otherwise would not be able to acquire had they been given another profession (Fisher, Spielberg, and wick, 2005). Most geisha accepts their roles in the society and they even find their fate better that of other women. Most geisha have an intimate relationship with one of their clients and they are often referred to as the geisha’s patron. In traditional Japanese, almost every marriage was arranged by the parents or other relatives in order to ensure their status in lives. Due to this particular course of event, Japanese men were often found with two women in his lives, the one being the wife while the other is the woman the man really loves. It is then considered natural for powerful and influential men to have such arrangements in their lives and most of these women happen to be a geisha. However, a relationship between a geisha and her patron is not often based on love, usually they only manage to find contentment and some sort of a happy relationship without being tied to one another. Although a geisha and her patron may have an affectionate relationship it is not always based on love. In a way this somehow retains the contentment in spite of being married to the woman one does not love. As was mentioned earlier most geisha came from poverty stricken families and as such, marriage to a man of higher rank is somehow impossible for them, however, their status as a geisha gives them the chance to select which man she would have as a patron and she could have a happy life with her loved one which would have been impossible had she not been a geisha (Downer, 2001). The relationship between a wife and a geisha is not also strained or bad since geisha are not seen as a threat to marriage. Customarily the wife and the geisha have a different role to play in the Japanese society and as was already mentioned earlier most relationship between a geisha and her patron is not based on love and thus they are not seen as a threat to marriage. In fact, women usually know the identity of their spouse geisha and there are even times when the wife and geisha meet together. Geisha usually visits the house of their patron particularly during Obon Festival or New Year festivity on which the geisha would offer some sort of present to their patron’s wives, they also, at times, do some performances meant for the family of their customers. There are even times when a wife seeks the help of a geisha in persuading her husband into doing something. Geisha’s are also present in the funeral of their patron’s and most of the times they are the ones in charge in making the necessary preparations something which the family accepts and welcome especially in their time of grief (Cobb, 1998). It is thus a sad thing that the umber of geisha are dwindling due to the westernization of Japanese culture as well as for the fact that geisha comes in expensive prices, something men are no longer very willing to pay especially since there are those hostesses who are not as expensive as geisha are. Another reason why their numbers are dwindling is because the training to be a geisha is very expensive and demanding. Most geisha nowadays (including those which could be found in Kyoto) is not really the same as the traditional geisha of before. In fact, the numbers of real geisha are low and they could mostly be found only in Kyoto. It is even probable that years from now â€Å"real geisha† would no longer be available. Although most westerner sees geisha as some kind of prostitution, such is not the case. Nowadays, geisha themselves chooses to be a geisha because of their love for art and in this regard there is basically no reason why this should be seen as a prostitution of some sort (Downer, 2001). Basically of the facts stated earlier in this paper regarding the lives of a geisha were clearly portrayed in the movie â€Å"Memoirs of a Geisha†. Although you could fault the movie in other ways, one could not really say that the movie or the book from which it was based was made without thorough and meticulous research on the lives of a geisha. As mentioned earlier, most geisha were sold on O-chaya by their relatives because of poverty and this is also what happened with Chiyo and her sister. Chiyo, though was easily accepted in the O-chaya because of her beauty and blue eyes. However, her sister did not meet the same fate and thus, she was sold elsewhere. The public treats a geisha with respect and admire their so many skills and the geisha reap the rewards of their hard labor to perfect so many arts once they are greatly admired by their audiences. Hatsumomo, the vicious geisha Chiyo was apprenticed to saw a threat and a rival in Chiyo’s person, and this is because geisha are respected figures and they are greatly admire by people. One reason probably why Hatsumomo acts the way she did is because she had been so drunk with the glory she reaped from the public from being an excellent geisha that she does not want to share any of it to Chiyo. She also fears that all of those glories would be taken away from her because of Chiyo’s potentials, not to mention the fact that she fears that the O-chaya would be left to Chiyo instead of her. Influence of people could also be seen in the movie when Chiyo, as a young girl was shown kindness by a good gentleman she met in the market, from then on Chiyo promised herself that she would be an excellent geisha and she would make the gentleman she met, her patron (Fisher, Spielberg, and wick, 2005). It was mentioned earlier that maikos were put under tutelage of geisha so that they would be able to better master the art of becoming a geisha. This particular aspect of a gisha’s life was also seen in the movie in that although the geisha Chiyo was apprenticed to a geisha with a vicious streak, Chiyo still had the good fortune to be apprenticed to another geisha, â€Å"Mameha†. Under Mameha’s tutelage, Chiyo blossomed into the butterfly she really is. Again, a geisha is not an exalted prostitute, rather a geisha is a social entertainer adept in many skills and this was also finely illustrated in the movie. In the movie, they show what a geisha really is like. Geisha represents the mysterious and rare ideal of Japanese femininity; this is evident in that every little detail from flower arrangement to the proper etiquette ought to be present in a geisha. In an O-chaya, no one could fault a geisha for anything in that they worked hard and rigorously to ensure that their attitude and skills are perfect when they are faced with guests (Cobb, 1998). Before, a geisha’s virginity is sold to the highest bidder, and this was mentioned earlier in this paper. However, such things no longer occur at today’s point in time. The setting of the movie â€Å"Memoirs of a Geisha† though happened in the early 90s and thus there was a scene wherein a geisha’s virginity was sold to the highest bidder. The movie also illustrated how the most successful geisha becomes mistresses of the most powerful and influential men in the country. A geisha knows this stuff, and as was mentioned earlier in this paper they are given a chance on whether a maiko wants to continue becoming a geisha or not. Thus, a geisha have to accept everything which accompanies their line of profession an this easy acquiescence was evident when Choyo (or Sayuri, her geisha name) did her best to please the chairman while alternately struggling against and submitting to the attentions of the Chairman’s business partner, Nobu, a creepy doctor, and The Baron (Fisher, spielberg, and Wick, 2005). As was mentioned earlier in this paper Japanese marriages are usually decided upon by the family and they are usually based on how they could better retain or enhance their current situation in the society, thus Japanese marriages are not based on love but on convenience and among geisha’s role is to better this course of event by stimulating men who are aggravated with their arranged marriages. The geisha plays an important role in making these men enjoy their selves with intelligent female companions without the geisha having the need to have sex with these men just to please them. The Westerners usually views a geisha as a very expensive prostitute but a prostitute nonetheless. However, Japanese knows better and that although the geisha’s job requires them to please their customer and to somehow flirt with them if necessary, the customers still knows that nothing could come out of those light-hearted innuendos since a geisha is prohibited to engage in a sexual intercourse for money, not even for love and thus the only course of action for an in love geisha is to leave her profession and marry (Cobb, 1998). The notion that a geisha is an expensive prostitute may be traced in the times when Japan was occupied by Americans since a number of prostitutes pretended to be a geisha and sold their bodies to American GIs. It is then that when the American GIs left for their homeland the notion that a geisha is a prostitute was instilled in their minds. In the movie however, they showed real geisha who did not stick with the rules and one of them is Chiyo’s best friend, who sold her body to American GIs. However, the film was still successful in showing what a geisha’s life is like and this is not surprising considering the fact that the story was derived from a real life experience of a geisha (Berardinelli, 2005). To conclude, geisha are not prostitutes, instead they are what others refer to as â€Å"Walking Form of Art† in that they were highly adept in so many kills which requires artistic talents. A geisha is a respected member of a society and this is also one main difference they have with a prostitute. A geisha is treated by society with respect and not contempt and they also have impeccable manners which made it easier for people to respect and admire them at the same time. A geisha also knows the rules and regulations of being a geisha and they accept them without questions since for them acquiescence is a must. The public or their customer’s approval as well as being able to hone their artistic talents is among the greatest reward which could attract a person into becoming a geisha, however only a select few are allowed the chance to be one since geisha needs to be beautiful and to talented at the same time. In this regard, one could never really say that geisha are not to be respected and they are nothing but expensive prostitutes for they are not. A geisha is a walking form of art and they are treated with respect by the society. Works Cited Berardinelli, James. â€Å"Geisha. † (2005). December 8, 2007 http://www. reelviews. net/movies. html. Cobb, Jodi. Geisha: The Life, the Voices, the Art Knopf; New Ed edition, 1998. Downer, Lesley. Geisha Headline Book Publishing; New Ed edition, 2001. Memoirs of a Geisha. 2005. Lucy Fisher, Steven Spielberg and Douglas Wick. Mishima Shizuko. â€Å"Japanese Geisha† (2007). December 8, 2007 http://gojapan. about. com/od/geisha/. Underwood, Eleanor. The Life of a Geisha Smithmark Publishers, 1999.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Business Law of Agency

Business Law of Agency Purpose:  People credited with this unit standard are able to: define agency; apply the law relating to creation and termination of agency; apply the law relating to authority of agents; apply the law as to the rights of third parties; and apply the law relating to the duties of a principal and an agent to each other, and the remedies for breach of duty. Task:   1 (A) a)Universal agency: In the case of universal agency the agent who deals with the third customer have the full authority and unrestricted authorities to act as like the principal. Because principal given that rights to the agent to do so. So in this case agent will see the business of Susan which is in overseas. (USLegal, NA) b) General agency:  General agency is bit similar to the universal agency in which agent take care of the principal property and look after and he have that much which principal could by himself. They can even get cash payments first instead of principal. In this case shop will cut the 30% of the total money in which they sell the silver. (GENERAL AGENT, NA) Task 2 The main legal question is: Was an agency relationship created between   Tim and   Gray? The facts of the case: Principal is Tim.   Agent is Gray. Third party is the car owner. Tim who is an accountant loved old fashioned cars and he is keen to buy one. Tim tells to grey to visit a car show. In a car auction of Mercedes Benz. Grey offers $25000 for the car. Thats how Tim makes deal with Grey and Owner. Grey knew that Time would love to buy this. The issue (s) is: Are there ways of creating an agency relationship satisfied?   Yes.   There are five ways of creating an agency relationship. Express appointment appointed orally or in writing the agent has express (or actual) authority. Ratification an agent acts without authority but the principal later ratifies (approves) the contract. Necessity operation of law in an emergency. Apparent agency (also called estoppel or ostensible agency Presumption (also called implied agency) Decision and the reasons. Example: Yes an agency relationship was created between Tim and Gray.   There are several ways of creating an agency relatlonship.   In this case the relationship was created by ratification when Tim ratified the deal. The main legal question Was the agency relationship between Michael and Livy terminated? The facts of the case: Principal is Michael.   Agent is Livy.   Third party is the tenant. Michael has a house that was for lease.   His agent was Livey.   Michael made an offer for the renewal of the lease through Livy, his agent.   The tenant was given three months to accept the terms..   One week after making an offer Michael died.   After this the tenant signed the agreement, not knowing that Michael had died. The issue (s) : Are there ways of terminating an agency relationship? Yes.   Agency relationship can be terminated by both parties or by operation of law Decision and the reasons . The agency was terminated by operation of law.   The law states that the agency relationship ends with the death of either party.   The death of Principal Michael terminated the agency relationship.   Since the third party (tenant) signed the contract after the death of the Principal (Michael) through the(   Agent ) Livy,   the contract between Michael and the tenant is void since Livy   was no longer Michaels agent at the time of contract acceptance by the tenant. Task 3   Ã‚  Ã‚   3.1  Ã‚   Barlams has a binding contract with Eastexpo for the sale and  Ã‚   purchase of 800 sheepskins. The main legal question is: Who is bound in a contract with third party agent or the principal? The facts of the case: In this scenario : Principal: Kong, Agent: Wang and third party: Barlams The fact of this case is that Kong hired a agent for his company to buy sheepskins from other companies. But they make a clause in the agreement that Wang can order only 500 sheepskins. He cannot order more than 500 without the permission of Kong. But here Wang visit Barlams and he founds the sheepskin quality is good so he order 800 of sheepskin with taking permission from Kong. The issue (s) are: According to the contract with Kong.   Wang is not allowed to ordered more than 500 sheepskins. Decision and the reasons Yes, Eastexpo can cancel the order of 800 sheepskins as they are not bound with any contract with Barlams. Their agent breaches the condition by ordering more that 800 sheepskins while he was not allowed to do that. Wang is liable as a result of his actions to either Barlam or Eastexpo. The main legal question is : Is any contract of   Barlam with Eastexpo? The facts of the case: Principal is Eastexpo. Agent is Wang. Third party is Barlams.The fact of this case is Wang order 800 sheepskins while he was not allowed to order more than 500 without permission but he did it without getting any permission from Kong. The issue (s) are: The issue is when he was in contract with Eastexpo that he cannot give order of more than 500 sheepskins then why he orders more than that to Barlams. Decision and the   reasons Yes, Wang is liable for all of this. Because he is in a contract with Eastexpo and the contract says that he can give order 500 of sheepskins but he cannot give order more than that.   So its clear that Wang is liable and he have to pay for this. Task 4   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.1  Ã‚   The main legal question is Is Reno has the rights to sue unnamed Principal? The facts of the case: Principal is unnamed. Park is Agent. Reno is third Party. The fact of this case is that Reno wants a swimming pool at the back of her house. So she called Park and make a contract with him to make a swimming pool in a period of one month but she pay him $10,000 00 as an initial amount. There was also a clause in the contract which says if he fails to complete the swimming pool in one month then he have to refund the initial amount. The issue (s) are: The main issue is that as per contract the swimming pool should be complete in 1 month but he fails to do so. Now he has to refund the initial amount. But after 2 month Reno get to know that he was just an agent of Brilliant constructions. But he should tell this thing before making the contract. Decision and the reasons No. Reno cannot sue the unnamed principal because there is nothing about that unnamed principal in the contract. But she can definitely sue the Park   and get her money back as she makes a contract with him. 4.2    Tanya sues James for not disclosing his relationship with Michael Hill Co. The main legal question Is Tanya able to sue Michel hill and James for did not disclosing the relation between them. The facts of the case: The fact of this case is Michael hill co was Principal, James was an agent and Tanya was a third party who wants to sell her diamond. James was hired by Michael hill to buy a 9 cut diamond on a joint account for them on a certain price. James told Tanya that he will give her the diamond but she needs to wait for the sometime. James cancel the transaction with Tanya and Michael offers the diamond on lower cost. The issue (s) are: James tried to sell the diamond on higher price to Tanya instead of Michael hill. But first he made a false promise to Michael hill that he will give a diamond on a certain price. Decision and the reasons   : No, Tanya cannot sue the Michael hill and James. Because it is not necessary to disclose the information of Principals agent. 4.3 The main legal question is Was Noreen authorized to deposited the half of the money in charities account without let them know? The facts of the case: Principal was Alan and Noreen was agent. The fact of this case is Alan is rugby a team who play rugby games through their talent and all the fees which they get paid; Noreen transferred this whole amount into Alans account. Once they got NZ $50,000 from one of their major games and Noreen deposited only half of the amount into Alans account and rest of the money they give to the charity. Which Alan used to support while before. The issue (s) are: The issue is that Noreen donates the half of the amount without the permission of Alan. But she should ask them first. Whether they like to donate or not. Because they used to support the charity a while long before. Decision and the reasons Yes, the action taken by the Noreen will be considered as unauthorized.   Because without letting them know she   donated the money. Task 5 5.1 1) The fact of this case is John was the Principal, Cathy was the agent and third party was Edwin. John hired Cathy as an agent to sell his boat because he is going overseas and he tell her that he wants to sell this as soon as possible with a minimum cost of $150,000.   After this Cathy post an add to sell the boat. She got 20 buyer but she decided to talk only 5. Then she got one of the buyer who offered her 140,000 for the boat and 10,000 for her if she accept the offer. 2) The duties which Cathy breached are they she didnt answered all of the calls. She answered only 5 calls. She should talk all of them. May shell get someone who can give her more than 150,000 and she also make a 10,000 commission by accepting the Edwins offer of 140,000. 3) John can cancel the contract with Cathy. Because he already told her the minimum amount of $150,000 and he can earn that commission profit by selling that boat himself. 5.2 The main legal question Is there any violation of the law happened by the Principal. The facts of the case: The fact of this case John was the Principal, Bryan was agent and Linda was third parties. John hired Bryan to sell an article through auction. Bryan sell the article to the Linda through auction and after some time she found that the original article had been stolen and Greg who was the real owner will be able to sue the Bryan because he sell the stolen article to Linda. The issue (s) are: The main concern is john appoints the Bryan to sell the stolen article but that time Bryan was not aware with that. But when Greg sued Bryan then he gets to know that article was stolen. But now he can able to recover the money from John. Decision and the reasons Yes, we can say that there was violation of the duties by the John. Because the article was stolen. So its illegal to sell someones article. 5.3 Assume that Jurgen is not liable to supply WDR. Explain what remedy WDR has, if any. The main legal question What remedy WDR has if Jorgen fails to supply? The facts of the case: In this case principal was Jurgen, Richard was agent and third party was WDR. Jorgen used to make chocolate and used to sell these in Adelaide local market. But after some time he appoint a agent in Sydney to sell their chocolates in Sydney local market. Richard was his agent he starts to sell their chocolates in Sydney. Richard is succeeding to arrange wine and dine stores to sell chocolates to them. But in the month of march Jorgen get some stretch in resources for the manufacturing of chocolate so he tell his agent not to accept any large order for next 3 months. The issue (s) are: The issue is that Jorgen already told to Richard not to accept any big order from any customer. But still Richard accepts big orders from WDR and from one of his new customer with same big amount.   Richard also gets a plasma TV from WDR for the promoted delivery. Decision and the reasons No, Jorgen will not be liable to supply the orders to WDR and new Customers. Richard will be liable for that. Because he takes order by himself while he knew that Jorgen told him not to accept any big orders for next 3 month. In this case WDR can sue Richard and claim all of their loss from Richard. WDR can sue Richard for not delivering the chocolates. Able to claim all their loss from Richard Can terminate the contract. Assume that Jurgen is liable to supply WDR. Explain what remedy Jurgen has, if any. The main legal question is What remedy Jorgen has if he liable to supply. The facts of the case: In this case principal was Jorgen, Richard was agent and third party was WDR. Jorgen used to make chocolate and used to sell these in Adelaide local market. But after some time he appoint a agent in Sydney to sell their chocolates in Sydney local market. Richard was his agent he starts to sell their chocolates in Sydney. Richard is succeeding to arrange wine and dine stores to sell chocolates to them. But in the month of march Jorgen get some stretch in resources for the manufacturing of chocolate so he tell his agent not to accept any large order for next 3 months. The issue (s) are: The issue is that Jorgen already told to Richard not to accept any big order from any customer. But still Richard accepts big orders from WDR and from one of his new customer with same big amount.   Richard also gets a plasma TV from WDR for the promoted delivery. Decision and the reasons Okay, Yes If Jorgen will be liable for the supply of chocolates to WDR. Then remedies which he will get is like he can claim for that Plasma TV which Richard gets from WDR also he can cancel the contract with Richard and also he can say no to Richard for his commission. Because Richard should not accept the order after gets written letter from Jorgen. 5.4  Ã‚   Discuss the remedies for breach of agents duties are applied to a given fact situation. Justify your answer. (E5-PC 5.4) Facts The office manager tells his secretary that she can buy a television for the office lunch room but she must not go over $500. The secretary buys a microwave for $750, telling the store it is for her work and to invoice them. When the invoice comes the office manager refuses to pay. What rights does the store have? The main legal question is Remedies after breaching the agents duties. The facts of the case: In this case Principal was Manager, Secretary was the agent and third party was store. The case is that Manager told secretary to buy a television for the lunch room. But it should not be more than $500. But instead of television secretary buys a microwave for $750 and she ask for the invoice to the store as for her work. The issue (s) are: The issue is that secretary breach the order of his manager and also the amount which she told to spend minimum. She buy a microwave instead of TV. When manager gets to know she refuses to pay her. Decision and the reasons The remedies should be like that: She has to pay for this by herself or if she refuse to pay then her Manager may deduct this from her salary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   References Contractual Remedies Act 1979. (2016). Retrieved from Declaratory relief law and legal definition. (2001-2016). Retrieved from Chron. (2016). Retrieved from InvestorWords. (2016). Retrieved from http:/ your dictionary. (1996-2016). Retrieved from